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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 19, 2021

Flow - Allow a user to add a Tenjin Form Action to the flow

Copied from the Azure DevOps board:

Initial developer estimate: 12 days - this will need to be re-estimated before we start development.

The admin persona can enable the TejinForms skill. Once enabled Flow allows the user to add a TejjinForm Action the action lets the user select a Form. When the flow reaches a TenjinForm Action the Tenjin form (adaptive card) is displayed where a user can fill in the adaptive form and submit the form. After a forms has been submitted or cancelled the flow continues to the next action.

  • [Todo] If forms skill enabled in assistant show a TenjinForms action in the add drop down - Action requires user to select form from the list of configured forms - stores the identifier

  • [Todo]Flow designer when saving the flow if the form doesn't exist show validation error

  • [Todo]Flow designer when loading a previously saved flow with a form that no longer exists show 'Unknown' as the selected - or reset the drop down?

  • [Todo]Flow designer when loading a previously saved flow with a form if form skill has been removed the flow cant save if it has Form actions so validation message

  • [Todo] In the assistant when flow reaches a Tenjin Form action show and process the tenjin form only carry on the flow once the form has completed i.e. summitted or cancelled

  • [Todo] when action reached in flow and form don't exist skip showing the form ? or show form not found?

  • [Todo] Allow Form to be triggered from an action link in a QnA result within flow

Consideration for later (out of scope for this story):

  • Ability to automatically display a form one question at a time, so that it appears better in mobile / small devices in a "question and answer" format; if you were chatting to a human within a bot you'd expect to be asked one question at a time.

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  • Guest
    Mar 7, 2022

    Tenjin Forms, along with Front Office and ServiceNow Forms, was added as part of the Add the ServiceNow skill into Flow story within v2.20.