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Tenjin Ideas Portal
Status Planned
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 11, 2023

Ability to create a new topic as part of publishing Expert Assist questions to QnA

When I'm publishing Expert Assist questions to QnA, there are times when I realise that a topic I need does not exist, it would therefore be great if I could create it as part of the publishing process.

Without this, I:

  1. Review Expert Assist questions.

  2. Choose an Expert Assist question and one or more answers.

  3. Review the AI composed answer, making any changes necessary.

  4. I then lose all of the above because I have to leave this page to create the topic I need.

  5. Once the topic has been created, I repeat steps 1 to 3, duplicating effort and wasting my time.

  • Attach files