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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2023

Enhancements to styling dialog for webchat

We are looking to embed webchat into our web-based products. We would therefore like some more flexibility around styling and there are a number of key expected styling options which are currently not available. As well as our requirements, I'm sure customers will be embedding Tenjin in their websites that will themselves have styling that needs to be replicated, so can you help us and your other customers, by making the webchat integration as seamless as possible.

  1. We want to use our own custom fonts.

  2. We need control over the 'full screen' width to constrain it as well as its smaller counterpart - flexibility needed rather than set fixed sizes.

  3. We need to be able to change font size.

  4. We need to be able to change the font colours for hyperlinks.

There may be other styling options we don't yet know we need, so as much flexibility as possible is good around any other styling stuff you think might be useful for seamless integration with existing websites.

Can you also improve the colour selection. Note that when styling, we often match colours with each other. Currently, we cannot edit the hex text boxes to copy and paste, and then when inside the colour picker, its RGB, but the RGB is not shown on the main dialog. This makes it awkward to match colours, which is an important part of styling. Can you show both values in both areas or choose one to run with? Personally, I think showing both is best as some prefer hex, some prefer RGB.

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