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Tenjin Ideas Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 15, 2021

Flow - Debugging

Moved from an Azure DevOps story (#2897)

Allow the admin flow persona to see what part of the flow is currently running, making it easier to build flows.

User Power virtual assistant to see how it works there.

Assistant on the Tenjin site sends a custom activity command this commands is captured by the server

custom command => TeninFlow = {Debug:True} ... this is then stored in conversation state.

When the flow is running it checks the conversation sate TenjinFlow Debug if set then for each action that's started/stopped/errored it raises a signalr event. The signalr event should only be processed buy the admin site with the assistant that has the matching conversation ID.

[ToDo] As the flow runs on the assistant in the admin site highlight the active action in the flow designer

[ToDo] Highlight the branch you are on when hovering over actions/lines (part of debugging)

Shelve set RG "flow debugging"

OR can it be done by using the webchat JS API?



  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2021

    This is different, but it's related: