When viewing the activities within the System area of Tenjin, if you select an option at the top to filter the results, and then go into an activity, the filter is lost when you return back to the Activities page. This is rather frustrating when you're looking for something because you have to reselect it!
When browsing, because there is no search option (potential new input?), it would be beneficial if the user could modify the number of results that appear on each page.
Page: https://tenjindev-admin.tenjin.biomni.net/system/activities/ - screengrab attached.
A current workaround to this problem is use the browser's "open link in new tab" functionality so that you never navigate away from the Activities page.
Related: Activities page enhancements
Email supplied by Gus, which overlaps on the above:
One little annoying thing in the Activities screen is that when you go to a few pages in and view a particular activity, when come back out of the individual activity you are taken back to page 1 each time. Typically you will be viewing activities before and after the one you just viewed. It is annoying as you have to keep paging back to the page you were on and then finding the one you were looking at then selecting either side again!