Assistant home page - include key usage chart in top panel
Lots of white space currently. A key analytics chart would seem useful and improve aesthetics. Suggest a usage/sessions/messages over last month/week? Fixed period, such as last 7 days?
Perhaps bot icon hover (as it appears in the workspace)? Designers are always wanting to go make additional changes & flipping back and forth is annoying. Also, it would be nice to run assistant direct from a flow - power automate allow you to...
Be able to follow QnA Items to trigger notifications like we have for Open Questions
Be able to also follow QnA items so that you will get notifications when changes are made to that question. Not sure possible, but means that users can be notified when the QnA article changes although that might not be that often.
Flow - Allow actions / group of actions in flow to be ignored / disabled without deleting
Customers building flows may want to test what happens if they remove / disable an action / group of actions from a flow, but they may only want to do this temporarily during testing. As flows become more advanced, it may be useful to allow the di...
On first login after an upgrade, display info to user that the system has been upgraded to version XYZ, and provide link to release notes.
Possibly a toaster message?
Once displayed for a user, don't display again to them.
Admin UI only.